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Corporate Social Responsibility at Lesta Consultants Limited

Good health and Well-being is our priority

Caring for our communities, clients and service providers is at the heart of Lesta Consultants Limited. We strongly believe in corporate social responsibility and we have constantly demonstrated an ongoing commitment towards being socially and ethically more active and accountable towards our communities.

For instance, we strongly initiated and delivered the successful plantation of evergreen trees in and around Gurugram.

tree plantation
tree plantation
tree plantation

Moreover, we also effectively channelled the installation of rain water harvesting in and around Gurugram which is now functioning and playing a vital role in increasing the level of ground water.

water harvest
water harvest
water harvest

As we are all aware about the current times where everyone is unsure and routines have been disrupted due to the pandemic, at Lesta we understand about the impact of these changed times on everyone’s mental health and well-being. We acknowledge that it’s not been an easy phase whether people have worked from home or gone into their workplaces. Therefore, we are providing a platform for our communities where you can re-build your mental wellbeing and look after your health.

We are bringing online yoga classes in collaboration with VEDANTA WELLNESS LTD and we will pay 10% of your fee for you which will enable you to reduce your stress levels, build your strength and flexibly and help you have a positive outlook towards life.

To enquire about an online session, please email your name and contact details to


with subject as “CSR”.

Please pay to book your session here

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